Unique tarpaulins and pool covers

Unique tarpaulins and pool covers

A membrane to cover your pool combining aesthetics, comfort and innovative technology

Construction and renovation in pools in Palma de Mallorca

We are specialists in pools, tarpaulins and finishes, due to extensive experience working with all kinds of materials, accessories and designs. Thanks to the projects of creation, improvement or renovation of swimming pools, you will be able to have all the requirements to enable a new area of the home, where you can enjoy the environment you have always wanted .

We create the pool of your dreams

Thanks to the customization of the pools, you will be able to let loose your desires: the colors you want to use, the types of materials and the design that come to mind. All this will allow you to trace the path and that the pool project ends up being one more part of its creative facet.

We work where you need it most

Your needs are those that mark the projet priorities. It will serve to find the best location if it is a question of newly built pools and, in case you want to renew or expand the pool area, the project will be adapt to choose the optimal layout that suits you best







Projects designed for you

All jobs have the same premises implicit:

Creation of the layout
Present it to you
Your approval

After these premises, it is the moment in which we proceed to carry out the contracting of all the necessary services and, in this way, to be able to start the construction or renovation of the requested elements.

Your will always be informed of the progress, so that the proyect continues to have your total satisfaction in each phase.

Collaborators and certifications

Collaborators will provide your pool with the highest quality and variety of materials, so that you can choose the best option, in an easy and simple way when customizing the pool.

The certifications are an endrosement of our work and they are always a backup for a quality work, allowing that the final producto of each project has the maximum reliability and safety.